University of Calabar UNICAL Change of Course Form 2019/2020

Following the publication of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) merit admission list, the management of the institution released the list of vacant programmes where candidates who did not make it to the 2019/2020 academic session merit list may considered.
Departments whose admissions have not been uploaded on the University’s portal are those with low subscription rate. UNICAL request candidates who could not secure admissions into their first choice Departments to consider the option of changing to other Departments with same UTME subject combination and O’Level requirements as advertised below.

UNICAL Change of Course Available Slots.

The following Departments still have spaces to accommodate qualified candidates who sat for Unical Post UTME and have the requisite qualifications specified here under;
1ADULT EDUCATIONThree Arts or Social Science subjects5 Credits including English and Mathematics
2AGRIC-ECON AND EXT.Chemistry, Biology or Agric and Maths or Physics5 O’L Credits including; English Language, Mathematics, Agricultural Science/Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
3AGRIC. SCI AND EDU.Any three (3) subjects from Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Physics, Economics, Geography and Mathematics.Five (5) O Level credit passes or equivalents in English Language, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science., Mathematics and another relevant subject.
4ANIMAL SCIENCEChemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and Mathematics or PhysicsFive credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science or Biology and any from Animal Husbandry, Physics, Economics or
5APPLIED CHEMISTRYChemistry and two (2) of Physics, Biology and Mathematics.5 credits in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology & Physics
6APPLIED GEOPHYSICSPhysics, Chemistry and MathsFive (5) credits in English Language, Mathematics Chemistry, Biology & Physics
7BOTANYChemistry, Biology and Physics5 Credits in English,Maths, Physics,Chemistry and Biology
8CHEMISTRYChemistry and two (2) of Physics, Biology and Mathematics.5 credits in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology & Physics
9CRK/STUDIESCRK and any other Arts or Social Science Subject5 Credits to include English, Maths and CRK/IRS
10EDUCATION & MATHSMathematics & any two of Physics, Chemistry   and BiologyFive Credits in EnglishMathematics, Physics and any two from Chemistry, Biology, Geography and Economics
11EDUCATION & PHYSICSPhysics, Mathematics or Chemistry plus one other subjectFive (5) O Level credits passes to include English Language, Physics, Mathematics and two (2) other Science subjects
12EDUCATION & REL. STUD.CRS and 2 other Arts subjectsCredits in at least five relevant subjects including English Language, Mathematics and Christian religious studies
13EDUCATION AND CHEM.Chemistry and 2 other subjects from Physics,Biology &Maths5 Credits in English, Maths, Chemistry,and any 2 of Physics,Biology & Agric
14EDUCATION AND FRENCHLiterature, one Arts &any other subjectCredits in at least five relevant subjects including English Language, Literature and Mathematics
15EDUCATION AND GEO.Geography and any other Arts or Social Science subjectsFive (5) credits in related subjects including English, Mathematics and Geography.
16EDUCATION AND HIST.History or Government and any other two Art subjectsCredits in Five O’Level Subjects including English Language, Mathematics, History or Government plus two(2) other subjects
17EDUCATION & SOC. STUD.Any Arts or Social Science subjectsFive (5) credits in related subjects including English, Mathematics and Civil Education.
18EDU.FOUN. AND G&CThe subject of study and any other relevant subjectFive Credit passes including credit pass in English Language and Mathematics
19EDUCATIONAL TECH.Any 3 relevant subjects5 Credits in English,Maths& any other 3 subjects
20ELEMENTARY EDUCATIONAny 3 subjects5 Credits including English and Maths
21ENVIRONMENTAL EDU.Any three (3) subjectsPasses at credit level in at least any five subjects including English Language and Mathematics
22ENV.PROT. RES. MGTGeography and any two (2) subjects from the Sciences or Social Sciences.Five (5) credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any two (2) subjects from Science or Social Science.
23FISHERIESChemistry and any two of Physics, Biology and MathematicsFive (5) credits in English Language, Mathematics Chemistry, Biology & Physics
24FORESTRY & WILDLIFE MGTChemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and Mathematics or PhysicsFive ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology or Agricultural Science and one of Physics, Economics, Further Mathematics, Statistics and Geography
25FRENCHLiterature, CRS any other Arts subjectFive (5) credits including English Language, Mathematics and one Arts or Social Science Subject
26HUM. KIN. & HEALTH EDUBiology and any two relevant subjectsFive credit passes that must include English Language, Mathematics and a science subject; Physical Education will be and added advantage
27HOME ECONOMICSPhysics, Chemistry & Biology5 Credits including, English,
Mathematics, Chemistry,
Biology and Physics
28MATHEMATICS/STATSMathematics, Physics and any two of Chemistry, Biology and Further MathematicsEnglish Language, Mathematics plus 2 other science subjects. A credit in Further Mathematics will be an advantage
29PHYSICSMathematics Physics and Chemistry or BiologyFive (5) credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Biology and one other Science Subject
30PHY. AND HEALTH EDUBiology and any two relevant subjectsFive credit passes that must include English Language, Mathematics and a science subject; Physical Education will be and added advantage
31RELIGIOUS STUDIESCRK/IRS and any other two subjects5 SSCE Credits to include English, CRK/IRS and Mathematics
32SOIL SCIENCEChemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, and Physics or Mathematics.O’L Credits in at least five subjects including; English Language, Mathematics, Agricultural Science/Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
33SPECIAL EDUCATIONAny three subjects5 Credits including English and Mathematics
34STATISTICSMathematics and any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry & Economics5 credits in English Language, Mathematics and any two from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and one from Economics, Geography and Further Maths
35ZOOLOGYBiology, Chemistry and Physics
or Mathematics
Five (5) credits in English
Language, Mathematics
Chemistry, Biology & Physics

UNICAL Change of Course Eligibility.

Candidates seeking admissions into these departments must have;
  • Choose the University of Calabar as their first choice
  • Sat for the 2019/2020  Post UTME
  • Obtained five (5) 0’level credits requirements as specified above and with the correct UTME subject combination.
Please note that the following categories of candidates cannot be recommended for admissions
  • Candidates with wrong UTME subject combination
  • Candidates with incomplete O’Level requirements
  • Candidates who have not uploaded their O’Level on JAMB p
  • ortal/whose uploads have not yet reflected on CAPS

How to Apply for UNICAL Change of Course.

Interested applicants are to proceed to any CBT centre and do a change of course on JAMB portal to any of the aforementioned department.
It should however be noted that changing to any of these Departments doesn’t guarantee automatic admissions. Only candidates who meet the programme requirements would be considered.
Apply Before: 11 October, 2019
Email for more information
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